
React Native brings React's declarative UI framework to iOS and Android. With React Native, you use native UI controls and have full access to the native platform.

The Nx Plugin for React Native contains generators for managing React Native applications and libraries within an Nx workspace. It provides:

  • Integration with libraries such as Jest, Detox, and Storybook.

  • Scaffolding for creating buildable libraries that can be published to npm.

  • Utilities for automatic workspace refactoring.

Here is a list of all the executors and generators available from this package.


  • run-android

    Runs Android application.

  • run-ios

    Runs iOS application.

  • bundle

    Builds the JavaScript bundle for offline use.

  • build-android

    Release Build for Android.

  • start

    Starts the Javascript server that communicates with connected devices.

  • sync-deps

    Syncs dependencies to package.json (required for autolinking).

  • ensure-symlink

    Ensure workspace node_modules is symlink under app's node_modules folder.

  • storybook

    Serve React Native Storybook.


  • init

    Initialize the @nrwl/react-native plugin.

  • application

    Create a React Native application.

  • library

    Create a React Native library.

  • component

    Create a React Native component.

  • storybook-configuration

    Set up Storybook for a React-native application or library.

  • component-story

    Generate Storybook story for a React-native component.

  • stories

    Create stories/specs for all components declared in an application or library.

  • upgrade-native

    Destructive command to upgrade native iOS and Android code to latest.